were donated to the doctors this morning that gave life to the humanitarian project at the hospital in Kisubi (Uganda) three thousand euro collected by the local Executive Committee of the International Police Association Fermo and Macerata-Civitanova ANPS section during an event promoted on 14 August at the Lido of Police. The ceremony took place funds at the Council Hall, these authorities and representatives of law enforcement. L ' IPA initiative promoted by the local committee has been illustrated by Claudia Hill, president of the association, who recalled how the collection of funds for Ugandan hospital has already started last year with good results . The money collected during the "Jungle fest" last August has been delivered by Pietrella Fernando, a member of IPA, in the hands of Maximum mobility, Giancarlo Piccinini and Mimmo Sicolo, the three doctors at the hospital in Civitanova underlying the humanitarian project in the city of Kisubi. To explain the objectives to which the non-profit organization is working "pro Civitanova African hospitals, founded by the same doctors Civitanova, was Dr. Sicoli. The funds raised, he explained, will be used for keeping sick children, modernization of the structure through the purchase of new equipment and upgrading of health personnel Ugandan hospital. In particular, the non-profit organization has taken steps to ensure that at the hospital of Kisubi, where it already has done to strengthen operating room, the establishment of a maternity ward that allows many women today give birth at home in difficult circumstances to rely on an appropriate facility. We thank all law enforcement and IP, the mayor Erminio Marinelli has stressed the "great generosity, in this as in other occasions, Civitanova, which confirms once more sensitive and inclusive city."