Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Do You Need Typhoid Vaccine For China

Our history

About two years ago began the adventure of the 'Hospital of Civitanova with Kisubi Hospital in Uganda. I
and Dr. Piccinini made contact with a Ugandan priest who spent the summer several years ago, at the Parish of Christ the King Civitanova Marche and with whom Don Lino, and the Cooperative on May 13 had already 'made the design of a school.
Father Eustace, this is the name of the priest, it seemed immediately enthusiastic and offer each other phone numbers and e-mail immediately started a match until January 2005, the month in which together with dr. G. Piccinini, I went to Kisubi (20 km from Kampala, the capital of Uganda).
The situation there now seemed more complicated than we had imagined. The first thought that pervaded what was in those conditions was not possible to operate the operating room did not have the minimum requirements to think you can make any type of intervention (surgical rusty and lack of a vacuum cleaner, just to name a few), but now we were there and one needs to do something and so, making a virtue of necessity, and taking in mind that there is also the so-called "Surgery from the field (what you do in extraordinary cases in tents), in collaboration with local doctors (young people just out of university but already prepared for what we can and able now to learn the various surgical methods) was begun on this experience and began to work around (even a child with a bowel obstruction from volvulus).
The local people proved to have great dignity, suffering in silent and grateful to those who tend them a hand. Never forget the faces of the people and the hospitality of the Sisters who run the hospital and the Cardinal Wamala, Primate of the Church of Uganda, who wanted to meet personally to thank us of what we were doing.
Once back home we realize now that that experience should not end there and that what we had experienced had to push to do something. So we began to involve other colleagues to create some continuity (5-6 months after she went to Dr. Massimo Kisubi Hospital Furniture, surgeon of our Hospital, and later another surgeon Modena, Dr. Smernieri, contacted by us). Then
also a fundraiser by opening a bank account at the Bank Credit Cooperative Civitanova Marche organization of charity dinners (now four, including the last, preceded by a conference) crowned great turnout of people, people who knew how their money donated works were translated into proactive (purchase of medical equipment, fund a shelter for children with serious illnesses who have no access to treatment). We also plan to grow even those who work professionally in the hospital and last summer hosted at the Hospital of Civitanova a colleague Kisubi Hospital, Dr. Robert Asaba.
experience more ... for this reason we have recently formed an association called on "African Pro Civitanova Hospitals " to support Kisubi and any other hospitals in Africa and in February 2006 another team (along with me There will be furniture and even a Dr. gynecologist, Dr. Catalino Franco) is soon to begin bringing its work and the money collected from these initiatives in order to use them that can make a real Kisubi Hospital Hospital well knowing that those parties "with very little can be done. "
Help us in making this project know who you know, participating in our activities and join the Association.

Mimmo Dr Sicolo
emergency doctor gastroenterologist


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